Approved Literature Resources for Overeaters Anonymous
“In working Overeaters Anonymous’ Twelve-Step program of recovery from compulsive overeating, we have found that a number of tools are available to assist us….” One of these tools is Literature.
How to purchase literature?
There are several ways to purchase literature. We recommend the following three resources. Any of them are a good way to enrich your knowledge of the program.
Updated 12/17/2017
“In working Overeaters Anonymous’ Twelve-Step program of recovery from compulsive overeating, we have found that a number of tools are available to assist us….” One of these tools is Literature.
How to purchase literature?
There are several ways to purchase literature. We recommend the following three resources. Any of them are a good way to enrich your knowledge of the program.
- Visit a Local Meeting. Meetings carry a small sampling of literature for sale along with newcomer packets that are offered free to newcomers. If a piece of literature is not available for sale, meeting members can provide guidance on suggested literature and how to buy it.
- The Sacramento Valley Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous (SVIOA) has a limited amount of literature available for sale or preview at the monthly meetings. Intergroup meets every second Tuesday of the month.
- Newcomer Packets
- Coins (Newcomer, Recovery, Milestone and the “Serenity Prayer” Coins.
- Other Literature On-Hand (see download below): Intergroup has an inventory of literature on-hand for sale and available at Intergroup meetings. Once this inventory is sold-out, except for newcomer packets and coins, literature will no longer be offered for sale by Intergroup. If you would like a list of available literature on-hand and/or purchase any of this literature, contact our Literature Committee Person at: [email protected]
- A “Traveling Box” Flier: The Traveling Box contains samples of all the literature (books, packets, pamphlets, manual) available online through the OA Bookstore. It is designed to help individuals and groups view literature before ordering. The literature in the Box is not for sale. If you would like to have the Traveling Box brought to your meeting for display, please contact the Literature Chair at [email protected]
- All Overeaters Anonymous (OA) literature referenced above is available at:
World Service Bookstore Books
- Pamphlets (all pamphlets, including packets: Newcomers, Welcome Back, Anorexia/Bulimia, Sponsorship, Young Person)
- Coins
- Audio Visual Products
- e-Lifeline or Print Lifeline (monthly magazine, back issues available)
- Espanol
- Digital Products.
Updated 12/17/2017